BizFlyHighEmpower Your Skill-Based Business!
Office no.101,First floor,Wakad Business Bay,Wakad411057PuneIN
Office no.101,First floor,Wakad Business Bay,WakadPune, IN
+919403890397"[email protected]
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Shipping and Delivery

We aim to deliver products purchased from Biz Fly High in outstanding condition and in the shortest possible time. Though approximate shipping and delivery time may vary from destination to destination.

We have two Shipping Options:

Self Pickup
Self Pickup

This feature enables you to pick your order from Seller's doorstep. You will need to place an order and opt for Pickup option if the same is available. This gives you the flexibility of going and picking it up yourself.

 Home Delivery
Home Delivery

We ensure this by bringing together critical elements of shipment such as Timely Delivery, Order Status Updates, and Support from our trusted Logistics Partners.